Saturday, April 11, 2009

The grossest thing (so far) about pregnancy

At my bookclub meeting the other night, the conversation turned to kids and pregnancy. Our group is comprised of gals all in their mid (to late)-twenties and early thirties, so we've had a few go through pregnancy already. Along with a couple other friends, they have become my source for all the "real" information about pregnancy that nobody or no book tells you.

And let me tell you....these books are worthless. At least the ones I've started reading. As many of you know, I'm not exactly the warm, fuzzy type and I'm not into the "natural beauty" of the pregnancy process. It's a means to an end for me. Anyway, all these books talk about the symptoms you could be experiencing. While this would seem helpful to the untrained eye, upon further review, it is ridiculously unhelpful. The list will start:

*increased boredom and weariness with the pregnancy process.
*Hearty appetite.
*Anxiety about the future.
*More energy.
*Trouble sleeping.

Then it will be followed with:

*sense of contentment and well-being with the pregnancy process.
*Loss of appetite.
*Sense of excitement about the future.
*Lack of energy.
*Need for extra sleep.

Really? Awesome. That is really helpful.

So anyway, we are sitting in bookclub and someone said one of the the worst parts of the last trimester was the fact that when she would bend over or exert herself she would pee a little in her pants....and the others joined in and agreed. I didn't believe it....until I golfed the last couple days. Often when bending over to pick up my ball, sure enough, no bladder control.

Now we aren't talking about needing a diaper or anything, but come on. Seriously? That's gross. I realize there is a purpose for a lot of the gross things that happen during pregnancy, but there can't possibly be a reason for this.

I guess in the immortal words of Billy Madison, "You ain't cool unless you pee your pants." Well then, consider me Miles Davis. Nothing to do but embrace it.

Off to the golf course in a little bit. We might go directly out to dinner afterwards....better bring that change of underwear my mom always told me about.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha...sneezing while I was walking around the track at the YMCA always got me. Unfortunate news; it happened the other day, 4 weeks post-baby. I've read in books it can still continue...sorry.



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