That pic was not taken by us. Sadly, we don't have the photographic skills for such an awesome pose. We were referred to a photographer who took some newborn pics for us last week. This is the only one we've seen so far, but we'll post some more when we get them.
Aside from being too cute to give back, I think her actions at the photographer's studio make her a perfect fit for us. For one, the photographer said she smirked a lot. That happens to be one of the facial expressions used most often in our household. And if we needed more reason than that, she also expressed some stubborness, attitude and practical joking skills that afternoon.
We were trying to get some naked baby pics, so her diaper had to come off. She decided that the perfect time to poop would be as we were taking her diaper off. We covered her back up and sat for a couple minutes and waited for her to finish. On cue, everytime we took her diaper off she pooped a little bit more. Finally after about 10 minutes, we were in the more poop.
This particular pose had Kevin holding her. Turns out she wasn't done yet...and decided to wait until everything was perfectly set to not only poop all over Kevin, but also to add a little pee on him for good measure. Lindsay 1, Parents 0.
Speaking of poop, I finally had a WDBM. What's a WDBM, you ask? I'll protect the innocent, but the phrase was first used by someone we know after a particularly rustic camping trip. We stopped to wash up at a gas station and said person came out and said they couldn't wait to get home for a WDBM...turns out that is a "well-deserved bowel movement." I fell in love with the saying and have used it whenever I can since then. But never have I felt it more appropriate than post-labor. So for those wondering, one more hurdle crossed!
Oh, she so beautiful--and she is absolutely a keeper for this grandma!!