Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Parental failings...
Monday, November 30, 2009
Eye of the tiger....
So today our resident punk got into her first daycare scrap. And based on the retelling of the story, not only did our baby girl not cry afterwards, she yelled at the bully and did a little fist-swinging of her own.
With all that hard work, she also often cashes out like she's just been in a championship fight.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Love is in the air...
Next on the list of newfound skills is her first bowl of cereal! Our first night of rice cereal was quite the production...and in all honesty, a week into it, it isn't much better yet.
Maybe the the most grown-up thing she's done so far is her first date. I know...I'm as surprised as you....I thought this day was a long, long time away too. But luckily she was fine with allowing me to supervise. Her and the young man decided to hang at home and catch the newest episode of Dora with some Teddy Grahams and milk...pretty smooth first date if you ask me. I wasn't all that impressed with them insisting on sharing a chair and the young man showing up in his pajamas, but I made sure they maintained a safe distance between each other. No hanky panky on my watch.
Not sure of the status of the relationship as they haven't had a second date yet, but I must say I'm kind of pulling for the kid since he helped me with some chores before heading home for the evening. Your move, Evan...your move.
Monday, October 19, 2009
A month? Really?
...wishing Dad would stop making silly jokes...
...and enjoying a good party....
Don't worry...that is salami...not a PBR.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
WHAT a weekend!
Along with everyone else, we were VERY impressed with the new home of the Gophers.
Sunday was the season opener for our beloved Vikings, so we had Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Jeremy over...and Evan, of course. They were nice enough to let us borrow Evan's chair and Lindsay has fallen in love with it! This is her watching football that afternoon...she is so chill in it. Like she's been doing it all her life!
And just in case anybody was doubting exactly how weird Lady Gaga could be, she reminded us repeatedly throughout the broadcast. Lindsay certainly was not impressed with the wardrobe changes and disturbing freakshow she put on:
And lastly, maybe she was just tired from a long weekend, but I like to think this shows how unimpressed she is with Russell Brand's humor:
Saturday, September 5, 2009
The First of Many
No screaming or anything! What a trooper!
We spent the entire 2nd quarter and halftime just laughing, smiling and chattering away between the 3 of us. Incidentally, that behavior is similar to how Kevin and I spent Vikings game pre-baby....minus the baby and the laughing and the smiling and the chattering with a little more drinking, swearing and yelling.
Turns out Lindsay wasn't quite as interested in the play of the potential 3rd string safeties and offensive lineman as us....this is her in the 3rd quarter:
Not quite the attention to team depth that we had hoped she'd have. Overall, however, I'd say she did quite well! And, she was quite the attraction...people seemed pretty interested in the pretty, young gal in the Baby Bjorn with the Vikes gear and hot-pink headphones.
I will say that she picked a good game to go to...a great initiation to the eternal disappointment that comes along with being a Vikes fan. An end of game loss featuring a fluke punt return for a TD by the Cowboys and a last second failure by the Vikes offense to score in the redzone. Don't worry -- we consoled her by explaining it was only a preseason game and it doesn't matter. But we did impress upon her the need to be prepared for a lifetime of similar defeats in games big and small when it comes to the Vikings.
But for the time being, we'll consider it a successful outing for the Best family. We had a great time and I'm sure this picture will be taken over and over again in our lifetime...only with a bigger Lindsay each time it is taken.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Moving on up!
I am definitely not adjusting too well to not having her right next to me, but she made it a little easier on me by sleeping for over 7 hours on her first night in her very own room. I suppose it is a good thing she is sleeping in there. After all, I spent all that time painting it and we have all the furniture, but it is just the first sign of many that she is growing up...and already too fast for me!
Fortunately, Daddy made it easier on both of us (well, mainly me) by dropping her off in bed with me when he left for work this morning. So we got a little time to snuggle and chat before getting up...LaFawnduh and Kip really liked our time in bed all together. Yeah...that's it. It was for LaFawnduh and Kip's benefit that I stayed in there so long!
I've completely cashed out both nights she has been in her crib, so I guess that is good. However, all I can picture is her getting too big for her crib and so on and so on. I suppose this is the first of many points where I need to slow down and take a deep breath and realize progress is a good thing. However, my little baby isn't such a little baby anymore. :(
Sunday, August 16, 2009
A week of firsts...
She had her first car ride of over an hour....up to Braham, MN for Pie Day (Mommy's first Pie Day as well!....that's Lindsay in the background in the stroller....she slept the entire rainy day away).
Her first time of actually staying awake at a kickball game...we lost in the semifinals of the tourney...she also met her first puppy at the game. This is the puppy...not Lindsay. ;)
Her first trip to Vikings training camp in Mankato. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on whether sleep or seeing practice is more important to you), she decided to sleep in that morning, so we got there right at the end of practice and didn't see too much. Antoine Winfield and Adrian Peterson have the early lead as her favorite player though...
Her first pair of Lindsay and Mommy can dress alike!
Her first wedding....and first dress (and Mommy's first dress since her own wedding)'s that dress alike thing kicking in apparently. She also had her first trip to the mall to help Mommy buy a new dress.
Lastly, she also had her first trip to Daddy's clinic to visit him at work (and show herself off to Daddy's co-workers). What happened after that visit was a first for the whole Best family. As we left the clinic together to head over to a barbeque with some friends, Lindsay and I loaded up in our Explorer and Kevin went to get into his car. Unfortunately, this is what he found in his parking spot.
So we went about our business and started thinking about a new car. But then, the very next day we had a message that said, "we found your car in Hugo and it was towed to Forest Lake." Hallelujah!!!!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Deuces are Wild?
A good card game? I wish. Unfortunately that phrase took on a new meaning for me last night.
I was feeding Lindsay last night about 1am and I could feel the rumblings coming from her diaper. I was very pleased with the development because that meant I could change her before she fell asleep.
So she finishes the bottle and we head over to the changing table. Blah, blah...unbutton the pj's, unbutton the onesie, open the diaper and BAM! Good poop little girl...but it is a mess! So we start cleaning up...wipes aplenty, cleaning up that brown, runny mess when I hear a little toot, followed by a quick flow of additional said brown, runny mess flowing out of her butt.
Here I am, holding her two little chicken legs in one hand to keep her butt in the air and a wipe in the other. So what do I do? Naturally, I try to put the wipe under her before the poop hits her clothes and the changing table. And that's when the deuces went wild...
Of course, the wipe didn't cover my whole hand and of course there was way too much poop to hold in the now I have brown, runny poop all over the hand that isn't holding her legs and there is a lake of poop sitting on top of her pj's.
In the meantime, my husband (who has been sleeping for about 2 hours to the point, preparing the middle of the night feeding) peeks his head in and says "that's disgusting" and proceeds to head into the bathroom.
At this point, I'm struggling and trying to regroup. So I grab another wipe and BAM! Deuces wild AGAIN! This time, the wipe falls out of my hand and I'm left holding a handful of that damn brown, runny poop.
Not sure exactly what to do at this point, I wait for my wonderful husband knowing he'll come help me. Instead, I see him walk past the nursery and back into bed, leaving me (still) holding her two legs up with one hand and (still) holding a handful of brown, runny poop in the other. There's no way I can use my clean hand, because that would require me to lay her down in the lake of poop. After only briefly considering lifting her up by the legs and letting her dangle in the air (just kidding...don't call child protection), I dump my handful of poop into the lake of poop in her pj's and try to clean my hand...all while yelling at my husband to get his ass into the nursery.
I immediately directed him to get a scissors and by the time he gets back I have my hand clean so I can perform onesie surgery by cutting it open from the neckline down. After it is completely cut in half down the front, I can extract her from the onesie and get her moved onto a burpcloth on the floor, where she proceeds to, you guessed it, produce another wild deuce. Beautiful.
Thankfully that wild deuce was a small one and it was the last one. But that was followed by a diaper-free pee all over me and very large puke all over her...presumably from being strung up for about 3 minutes immediately after eating. By this point, Lindsay is screaming her little lungs out. Can you blame her? She just watched her mother play poop-catcher while causing her to throw up.
Eventually, I was able to get her cleaned up and changed into clean clothes. For those that can stomach it, following are the pictures of the aftermath...followed by my little sweetheart after the traumatic event...clearly she was affected.