Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Moving on up! the east a dee-lux apartment in the sky.

Well, not really the east side or a deluxe apartment or the sky. But it sure feels like a big move. Up to this point, our little girl has been sleeping in a bassinet in our bedroom. Small, low to the ground and most importantly, in our bedroom, close to mommy.

Well, the time has come to move her into her crib. Her big, high, lonely crib.

I am definitely not adjusting too well to not having her right next to me, but she made it a little easier on me by sleeping for over 7 hours on her first night in her very own room. I suppose it is a good thing she is sleeping in there. After all, I spent all that time painting it and we have all the furniture, but it is just the first sign of many that she is growing up...and already too fast for me!

Fortunately, Daddy made it easier on both of us (well, mainly me) by dropping her off in bed with me when he left for work this morning. So we got a little time to snuggle and chat before getting up...LaFawnduh and Kip really liked our time in bed all together. Yeah...that's it. It was for LaFawnduh and Kip's benefit that I stayed in there so long!

I've completely cashed out both nights she has been in her crib, so I guess that is good. However, all I can picture is her getting too big for her crib and so on and so on. I suppose this is the first of many points where I need to slow down and take a deep breath and realize progress is a good thing. However, my little baby isn't such a little baby anymore. :(

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to all of this! I hate any little growing up sign...just wait until she can't fit her newborn clothes anymore, that was a sad moment for me.

    Laura slept GREAT the first night we put her in her crib, too...and we do still put her in bed with us in the morning for some snuggles, especially when she wakes up too early for us!



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